Myth: Many feminists claim that all they are asking for is equality.

Why this is a problem

It makes the demands feminists make sound reasonable; that they are just about fairness.

Equality achieved

  • equal votes was achieved in 1928
  • equal pay was achieved in 1970
  • equal numbers of men and women to university achieved in 1993

Some people who called themselves ‘feminists’ (equality-feminists) are simply aiming for equality, however, around the 1980s a new version of radical or victim-feminism emerged (mostly in universities) which claimed that true equality had not been achieved.

‘Equality’ exceeded

As this site shows, there are large areas of life where women are doing better than men:

  • boys education
  • suicide rates
  • child custody
  • etc

There are almost no examples of feminists campaigning for equality in these areas of male disadvantage.

Issues cherry-picked

In claiming continued ineqality, victim-feminists choose onbly high-status, public carreers like MP, CEO etc, where men still dominate.

They ignore careers where woman dominate: nursing, primary school teacher etc, and also the cold, wet, dangerous jobs where men are the overwhelming majority: building, lorry-driving, deep sea fishing, electricity supply etc.

Male equality opposed

However, rather than work towards equality on these male-disadvantages, victim-feminists actively campaign to keep the advantages women have. They oppose:

  • shared parenting
  • equal treatment in prison sentencing and conditions
  • an evidence-based definition of domestic abuse
  • etc

To support their claim they continue to repeat a set of myths about our society. You will find a list of these on the main ‘Myths’ tab .

No support for male equality

Men do most of the dirty, wet, cold, dangerous jobs. they are lorry drivers, trawler men, road builders, bricklayers etc. Men create the majority of the physical world. While in the past these jobs may have needed the extra physical strength men have, most are now power-assisted and can easily be done by women too.

Women choose not to do them and feminists do not campaign that they should.

There are no campaigns to get more men into female-dominated careers and when men were campaigning for parity in retirement age, feminists did not join the campaign.

Towards gender parity

It is the aim of this section of our website to de-bunk and dispel these myths.