Minister for Men

Lead organisation: Campaign for a Minister for Men.


To campaign for a Minister for Men to be responsible for all the issues of gender imbalance experienced by men and boys.

Why is a Minister for Men needed?

Men and Boys are experiencing many issues and disadvantages in the UK specific to their gender.

Suicide, Homelessness, Mental Health, Parental Rights, Education, Unemployment, Domestic, Abuse, Imprisonment, Addiction, Health, Workplace Safety, Gender Based Discrimination

Are these issues currently not addressed?

There is a specific focus on the needs of women and girls in these areas, but no specific strategy for men and boys despite men being the majority of people/victims affected in many of these areas.

Is this not covered under Equality legislation?

The 2010 Equality Act highlights characteristics which are protected (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation). This is highly laudable, except that men’s issues are excluded from equalities debates. A Minister for Men would ensure appropriate representation.

Complying with the Equality Act 2010

This Act requires that people are not discriminated against on the bases of the ‘protected characteristics’, which include sex. However, the current system of government ministers does not appear to comply. The addition of a Minister for Men will correct this 9see illutartion below).

Swayne O’Pie makes the case for Minister for Men in 2018
Ben Brady MP asks why there is no Minister for Men 2020
Ben Brady’s question and UK Equalities Minister Kemi Badendoch’s answer.