MoJ ‘Risk of Harms’

Full title

Assessing Risk of Harm to Children and Parents in Private Law Children Cases. Final Report. June 2020

This report claims that there is a ‘pro-contact culture’ in the Family Court which means that abusive parents are given contact with their own children and that this leads to harm in so many cases that the assumption that children will benefit from contact with both parents needs to be removed.

Purpose of this page

Gender Parity UK concludes that this report, under the imprint of the Ministry of Justice, is flawed in a number of different ways. This page gives you access to the original document and criticisms of it.

Critique by Terry White.

Terry explains how the report has used a post-modernist, gendered method to by-pass the existing data and create the result the authors intended.

Interview with Terry White.

Terry takes us through the main points.

Terry White’s critical report

Read Terry’s detailed critique which exposes the way this report ignores the usual approach to empirical, data driven evidence and it’s replacement with Critical Theory which takes sexism as an assumption and constructs evidence around it.