Lead: Gender Parity UK
The issues covered in this website, which disadvantage men and boys, are partly created by an ideological movement which goes by a number of different names. We believe that these publicly funded academics and courses, which perpetuate this ideology, should not be publicly funded.
Variety of names and labels
Critical Theory, Feminist Theory, Critical Race Theory, Gender Studies, Critical Social Justice, Post-Modernism, Cultural Marxism, Identity Politics, Intersectionality, Institutional Racism, Institutional Sexism, Patriarchy Theory, White Supremacy,
One suggestion is that we use the general label: ‘Critical Social Justice’.
Basic components of this ideology
They all start with the basic assumption that society is best viewed as a struggle between power groups: oppressors and oppressed. In its current form, it assumes that all non-white people are oppressed by white people and all women are oppressed by men.
Cancel Culture
If anyone questions this ideology, for instance a non-white person claims they are not oppressed as they have done very well, they are labelled as dangerous. They may be denied a job, or promotion, or their talk may be cancelled at a university.
Promoting the ideology
While we can all agree that free-speech means that anyone with this ideology should be free to speak their views, we have discovered that there are a very large number of university academics and courses who are promoting this ideology at public expense. Their work is presented as ‘scholarship’, and so has gone largely un-noticed as it is presented in the same form as good-quality academic work.
Defund the ideology
We believe that all publicly funded higher education academics and courses should be assessed to see if they comply with traditional scholarship standards or if they are post-modernist. Courses and academics who cannot satisfy this basic standard should not be funded.
Why defunding is necessary
These ‘critical’, ‘social-justice’, ‘post-modernist’ idea have not arrived through the normal academic channels. They originated in French and American Universities and have been spread, almost unnoticed, in western universities. Young people, indoctrinated by this ideology while at university themselves, are now the judges, MPs, social workers, journalists of today.
These well-meaning people believe they are promoting a fair society by righting wrongs that they perceive. In reality they are setting men and women, white and non-white into an artificial conflict. They are disrupting the family, damaging children amnd undermining evidence-based research.
Unless we address the ideology and those who promote it, we can waste time trying to counter its more extreme effects (for instance, we can ban ‘no-platforming’ in our universities), but its effects will pop up again and again.