UK Honours

Every year the UK gives honours to people in public life. These include CBE, MBE, OBE etc.

Very few supporters on the gender-parity agenda are honoured in this way. This may be because few are nominated.

This page is to promote the idea of nominating people for honours and wards.

Below are instruction copied from this page from the ‘honours’ web-pages.

Nominate someone who lives in the UK

You can nominate someone for the King’s Birthday and New Year Honours Lists by filling out the nomination form.

An easy read version of the nomination form, along with advice about what to include and how the process works, is available.

Suggesting someone for an honour – Easy read version (PDF, 34 pages – 5.5MB)

The way we give honours – Easy read version (PDF, 13 pages – 3.9MB)

All you have to do is provide evidence of the extraordinary things your nominee has accomplished and how they’ve made things better for others. Every nomination is different but it’s important that you tell the story of what your candidate has done that is extraordinary. In your nomination, you must:

  • Describe your candidate’s achievements
  • Show what impact they had
  • Demonstrate how they made a difference
  • Describe what obstacles they have overcome 
  • Demonstrate how they have gone the extra mile

You can include any evidence you have of recognition your nominee has received for their achievements, for example articles, photos or letters.

The nominee must not know that they are under consideration. You do not need your candidates permission to supply their personal information this is because, under the Data Protection Act of  2018, the honours system is exempt from the usual requirement under GDPR to inform someone that you hold and are processing their personal data. Nominators are nevertheless asked to undertake their inquiries in the strictest confidence.

We protect the integrity of the honours system by carrying out propriety and probity checks with a number of Government departments before names are submitted to the Prime Minister and The King for approval.